Spanish Home Sales Up in November

Here you will find news, views, events and information relating to real-estate in Spain.

Monthly Archives: January, 2021

Spanish Home Sales Up in November

New property sales up 0.6% in November

According to figures from the National Institute of Statistics, there were 83,221 property sales in November, an annual increase of 4.2%. 84.6% of those property sales were urban properties, with the remaining 15.4% classed as rustic. In the case of the urban properties, 56.3% were for the sale of homes. The number of sales of Continue Reading

Average House Price Down in November

New apartme sales increased 17.5% year-on-year

November 2020 saw 48,251 home sales in Spain, representing a year-on-year fall of 0.9%. Considering the months of lockdown, this fall is nothing like as bad as was expected. By type of property, the sale of apartments/flats showed a year-on-year fall of 7.6%, according to a report from the Notaries. This reduction in apartment sales Continue Reading