Spanish Property Sales Continue to Accelerate

Here you will find news, views, events and information relating to real-estate in Spain.

Monthly Archives: August, 2022

Spanish Property Sales Continue to Accelerate

Prices are still rising, reaching 1,960€/m2 in June

The number of Spanish property transfers recorded in the public register in June reached 196,206, 0.9% more than in the same month last year. In the case of property sales, the number was 108,085, an annual increase of 7.1%. 87.6% of the purchases registered in June correspond to urban property and 12.4% were rustic. In Continue Reading

Modelo 720 Fines Declared Null and Void

Modelo 720 Fines Declared Null and Void

The draconian fines which were imposed under the Modelo 720 Assets Declaration have been declared null and void opening the doors to claiming the money back. This is some welcome news for foreign residents and investors. Under Spain’s 720 tax model, which was introduced back in 2012, foreign residents had to declare the assets they Continue Reading