Although I manage to add a couple of articles every week, I am always on the lookout for guest writers to boost my content.
If you are a writer and would like to contribute to this blog then feel free to contact me with your ideas.
I will accept articles written about the Spanish real-estate market, or Spanish tourism. These subjects are pretty broad and could include any of the following:
- Buying
- Selling
- Facts/Figures
- Market Recovery
- Market Predictions
- Market Comparisons
- Things to see/do
- Places to go
- Facts/Figures
- City guides (mainly interested in Andalucian cities)
Articles must be at least 300 words and include at least one image (royalty free or your own copyright). I will include one body link. I will also include your name and a link to your profile (if you have one). If you refer to any facts/figures you must cite the source.
Above all, articles must be original, interesting and relevant.
Send your ideas to
About This Blog
I have been writing this blog for two years and have a great deal of content. All of it so far has been written by me. I put a lot of time into SEO and this blog receives around 3,000 daily hits. In the last 12 months it has received over 1 million hits. We rank very high in Google and Bing and all articles have both a normal html and also an AMP version.
NB: I do not guarantee to publish your work and anything I receive will be published at my discretion.