Property sales down 0.7% compared to July
The number of transferred properties registered in the property registers in the month of August is 175,824, which is 28.1% more than in the same month of 2020.
In the case of registered property sales, the number of sales is 97,224, representing an annual increase of 41.8%, according to data from the INE.
87.7% of the sales registered in August correspond to urban properties and 12.3% to rustic properties. In the case of urban properties, 58.5% are sales of residential property.
The number of sales of rustic properties rose 16.6% in the annual rate in August and that of urban properties by 46.3%. Within the latter, sales of homes registered an annual increase of 57.9%, but decreased 0.7% in the monthly rate.
19.3% of the homes transferred by sale in August are new and 80.7% are used. The number of sales on new homes increased by 40.9% compared to August 2020. The number of sales of second-hand homes increased in August by 62.6%, when compared to the same month in the previous year.
Results by autonomous communities
In August, the total number of transferred properties registered in the property registers per 100,000 inhabitants reached its highest values in Castilla y León (766), La Rioja (760) and Aragón (638).
The Basque Country (43.5%), Madrid (43.0%) and La Rioja (38.7%) registered the highest annual variation rates.
For their part, Extremadura (0.1%), the Canary Islands (6.4%) and Galicia (7.3%) registered the lowest increases.
In terms of registered home sales, the communities with the highest number of transfers per 100,000 inhabitants are Valencia (183), La Rioja (181) and Andalucía (155).
The Autonomous Communities with the highest annual increases in the number of home sales in Spain in August were La Rioja (84.8%), Madrid (77.3%) and Valencia (72.0%).
The Basque Country (8.3%), Cantabria (20.0%) and Extremadura (21.0%) registered the lowest increases in the number of home sales in August.